From: Srinivasan, Sesha
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2008 12:46 PM
To: Graham, Barbara
Cc: Goswami, D. Yogi
Subject: RE: CERC tour for Engineering Living and Learning Community
Dear B,
I wish you to forward the message below to the CERC mailing list: Feel free to change the text if you need to.
CERC Co-Director Dr. Yogi Goswami, received "Outstanding Professional of the Year" from Federation of Indian Associations (FIA) of Tampa Bay on August 16, 2008. This award was given to him by the President of FIA, Dr. Krishan K. Batra at the "India Independence Day Celebrations". (Note: This is the prestigeous award given to Americans of Indian origin who excelled both in their professional and community activities. Previous receipient of this award: Dr. Renu Khator, Ex-Provost, USF and present Vice Chancellor, University of Houston)
Dr. Goswami: Let me know if it is ok with you to mail out this message.

Sesha S. Srinivasan, Ph.D.
Sr. Research Scientist
Clean Energy Research Center (CERC)
College of Engineering University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Avenue, ENB 118
Tampa, FL 33620
Tel: 813-974-4787; Fax: 813-974-2050

From: Graham, Barbara
Sent: Fri 8/15/2008 11:26 AM
To: Srinivasan, Sesha
Subject: RE: CERC tour for Engineering Living and Learning Community


-----Original Message-----
From: Srinivasan, Sesha
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 11:24 AM
To: Graham, Barbara
Subject: RE: CERC tour for Engineering Living and Learning Community

When he wants to hold this tour?


Sesha S. Srinivasan, Ph.D.
Sr. Research Scientist
Clean Energy Research Center (CERC)
College of Engineering University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Avenue, ENB 118
Tampa, FL 33620

Tel: 813-974-4787; Fax: 813-974-2050


-----Original Message-----
From: Graham, Barbara
Sent: Fri 8/15/2008 11:00 AM
To: Morgan, John
Cc: Srinivasan, Sesha; Garretson, Chuck
Subject: RE: CERC tour for Engineering Living and Learning Community

Dear Dr. Morgan,

I have asked our senior research engineer, Dr. Sesha Srinivasan, and our coordinating laboratory engineer, Mr. Chuck Garretson, to get with you regarding your request.  Please let us know how we can assist you,


Ms. Barbara J. Graham

Coordinating Assistant for Prof. D.Y. Goswami and Prof. E.K. Stefanakos

  Editor and Designer, Publication Services

Clean Energy Research Center

College of Engineering, ENB 118

University of South Florida

4202 E. Fowler Avenue

Tampa, FL  33620  USA

Tel: (+1) 813-974-8840  Fax: -2050




From: Morgan, John
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 10:51 AM
To: Graham, Barbara
Subject: CERC tour for Engineering Living and Learning Community

To Whom It May Concern:

I am contacting you in hopes of arranging a tour of the CERC.  My name is John Morgan and I am the coordinator of the Engineering Living and Learning Community.  The ELLC is a group of 28 first-year engineering majors all living together in a residence hall on campus.  The students of the ELLC would be greatly interested in learning more about the activities of the CERC and seeing your research areas of emphasis.  Please contact me if you would be willing to accommodate my students.


John Morgan

Academic Advisor

Engineering Student Services

