From: Srinivasan, Sesha
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 2:53 PM
To: Demirkaya, Gokmen; Goswami, D. Yogi; Drupatie; Srinivasan, Sesha; Choudhury, Pabitra; Stefanakos, Lee; Abutayeh, Mohammad; Garretson, Chuck; Jonathan Mbah; Cosmides, Ginny; Chen, Huijuan; Dalrymple, Omatoyo; Fedock, John; Jurczyk, Michael; Man Su Lee; Algarin amaris, Paula; Graham, Barbara; Kislov, Nikolai
Cc: Andrew Vittetoe
Subject: RE: CERC-REU student bagged Ist Place
It is my pleasure to share with you all that Mr. Andrew Vittetoe worked with us (CERC) for the REU summer program (May-Aug'08), bagged Ist Place (both oral and poster presentation) in the open competition. Michael and I were the Research mentors of his project entitled "Destabilizing Lithium Aluminum Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage". I congratulate Andrew for his hard work in short time and best wishes to his future endeavor.
Have a Good Weekend.

Sesha S. Srinivasan, Ph.D.
Sr. Research Scientist
Clean Energy Research Center (CERC)
College of Engineering University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Avenue, ENB 118
Tampa, FL 33620
Tel: 813-974-4787; Fax: 813-974-2050