From: Goswami, D. Yogi
Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 11:12 PM
To: Graham, Barbara; Dalrymple, Omatoyo
Subject: FW: Rep. Rivera's College of Engineering Visit was a success!

Attachments: Dr. Lee Stefanakos, Ph.D Student Gokmen Demirkaya, Rep. David Rivera, Dr. Yogi Goswami, USF, 02-27-09 012.jpg; Electrical Engineering Chair Don Morel, Rep. David Rivera, USF, 02-27-09 015.jpg; Electrical Engineering Chair Don Morel, Rep. David Rivera, USF, 02-27-09 016.jpg; Ph. D student Kofi Dalrymple, Rep. David Rivera, USF, 02-27-09 013.jpg; Ph. D student Kofi Dalrymple, Rep. David Rivera, USF, 02-27-09 013.jpg; Ph.D Student Gokmen Demirkaya, Rep. David Rivera, Dr. Yogi Goswami, USF, 02-27-09 011.jpg; Ph.D Student Kofi Dalrymple, Rep. David Rivera, USF, 02-27-09 014.jpg; Rep. David Rivera, USF, 02-27-09 017.jpg

------ Forwarded Message
From: "Betancourt, Kathleen" <>
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 13:08:34 -0500
To: "Demirkaya, Gokmen" <>, "Goswami, D. Yogi" <>, "Morel, Don" <>, "Stefanakos, Lee" <>, "Weller, Tom" <>
Cc: "Hoad, Michael" <>, "Visot, Cynthia" <>, "Walsh, Mark" <>, "Wiencek, John" <>, "Willman, Karla" <>
Conversation: Rep. Rivera's College of Engineering Visit was a success!
Subject: Rep. Rivera's College of Engineering Visit was a success!

Representative Rivera’s trip was a resounding success – thanks to you!
Attached please find e-copies of the shots I took.  Please be so kind as to share this e-mail with our student, Kofi Dalrymple.  For some reason, I found Gokmen in the Global Directory but couldn’t find Kofi.  There were several Dalrymples, but I didn’t want to send it to the wrong one – although whoever got it surely would have been impressed.
Again, many thanks.
Go Engineering Bulls!
Kathleen A. Betancourt
Associate Vice President
Office of Government Relations
University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Avenue, ADM 214
Tampa, FL  33620
Office Phone: 813-974-2660
Office FAX:  813-974-0140
Cell Phone: 813-245-7807

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