From: Srinivasan, Sesha
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 8:17 AM
To: Srinivasan, Sesha; Abutayeh, Mohammad; Algarin amaris, Paula; Chen, Huijuan; Choudhury, Pabitra; Cosmides, Ginny; Dalrymple, Omatoyo; Demirkaya, Gokmen; Drupatie; Garretson, Chuck; Goswami, D. Yogi; Graham, Barbara; Jonathan Mbah; Jurczyk, Michael; Kislov, Nikolai; Man Su Lee; Stefanakos, Lee
Cc: Anthony D'Angelo; Ratnadurai, Rudraskandan; Bijith;; Gupta, Vinay
Subject: RE: HHO Games and Expo

Attachments: HHO ST Pete-CERC participation.doc; IMG_0480.JPG; IMG_0481.JPG; IMG_0482.JPG; IMG_0483.JPG

The HHO Games and Expo 2009 was successful  last week. CERC-USF participated in both class-room seminar and exhibiting our hydrogen based projects. I wish to thank the following volunteers to help organize and showcase our research activities at the expo.


Pabitra Choudhury (Chemical Engineering)

Anthony D’Angelo (REU Summer Research Student)

Rudran Ratnadurai (Electrical Engineering)

Bijith Mankidy (Chemical Engineering, Professor Vinay Gupta’s research student, On special request by me)

Timberland Pham (Ex-Senior Design Student of Electrical Engineering, On special request by me)


I have presented two invited talks on Hydrogen technologies which was well received by the community.  Please check the link for our participation and appreciation by the HHO organizers. Also please see the attachments related to this event.





From: Srinivasan, Sesha
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 7:15 PM
To: Abutayeh, Mohammad; Algarin amaris, Paula; Chen, Huijuan; Choudhury, Pabitra; Cosmides, Ginny; Dalrymple, Omatoyo; Demirkaya, Gokmen; Drupatie; Garretson, Chuck; Goswami, D. Yogi; Graham, Barbara; Jonathan Mbah; Jurczyk, Michael; Kislov, Nikolai; Man Su Lee; Srinivasan, Sesha; Stefanakos, Lee
Cc: 'Anthony D'Angelo'; Ratnadurai, Rudraskandan
Subject: HHO Games and Expo


CERC Group:


We have another great opportunity to take part in the Tampa Bay Hydrogen Expo. Please check the link The expo organizers kindly agreed to give booth space free of cost to showcase our center activities especially on hydrogen technologies. Additionally we got an hour slot (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) to deliver a talk on our on-going research. Conference organizers wanted us to set up our booth either Thursday evening (6-10PM) or early Friday morning (7-9AM). Since it is a three day expo, we need your active participation as a CERC volunteer. We can work together to schedule slots (9-5PM everyday) as we did before.


Dr. Stefanakos, Dr. Goswami: I need your approval to coordinate this expo activity

Barbara: Can you please coordinate the volunteers and request their convenience

Chuck: We need to setup the display panels and other kits on Friday (before 9AM) and to be removed on Sunday (after 5PM).

Ginny: We need some snacks and water for volunteers during the Expo

Sesha: I will coordinate the seminar presentation with Michael and Pabitra


It would be fun to watch the HHO Games in the Expo!!


If I missed any new student in my distribution list, please pass this message.






Sesha S. Srinivasan, Ph.D.

Research Assistant Professor

Associate Director

USF-Florida Energy Systems Consortium

Clean Energy Research Center

College of Engineering

University of South Florida

Tampa, FL 33620

Tel/Fax: 813-974-4787/2050
