cercfiles.eng.usf.edu - /CERC_newsletter etc/Newsletter/2010 Summer/vp tour david gainsford/

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4/16/2010 3:51 PM 3111667 tour and flowers 001.jpg
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4/16/2010 3:52 PM 2928244 tour and flowers 003.jpg
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4/16/2010 3:52 PM 2975461 tour and flowers 005.jpg
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4/16/2010 3:52 PM 3094218 tour and flowers 009.jpg
4/16/2010 3:52 PM 2560160 tour and flowers 010.jpg
4/16/2010 3:52 PM 2639168 tour and flowers 011.jpg
4/16/2010 3:52 PM 3091033 tour and flowers 012.jpg
4/16/2010 3:52 PM 2796202 tour and flowers 013.jpg
4/16/2010 3:52 PM 2679322 tour and flowers 014.jpg