From: Bill Riggs [] Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 10:58 AM To: Bill Riggs Subject: STATEMENT FROM BIOMASS POWER ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT BOB CLEAVES SUPPORTING LEGISLATION TO IMPROVE FOREST HEALTH AND INCREASE BIOMASS POWER For Immediate Release: December 10, 2009 Media Contact: Bill Riggs at (202) 429-4929; STATEMENT FROM BIOMASS POWER ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT BOB CLEAVES SUPPORTING LEGISLATION TO IMPROVE FOREST HEALTH AND INCREASE BIOMASS POWER WASHINGTON, DC – Biomass Power Association President Bob Cleaves issued the following statement today in support of recently proposed legislation that seeks to improve the health of federal forests and increase America’s production of renewable energy from woody biomass. “The Healthy Forests Restoration Amendments Act of 2009 will not only improve the health of America’s federal lands by requiring regular management of overgrown forests, but it will also greatly expand the role of clean, renewable biomass power as an American source of electricity. This common sense legislation will improve our environment and create hundreds of clean energy jobs, many of which will be in small, rural communities all across the United States. “The biomass power industry generates clean electricity from the dead debris and waste created during routine management that would otherwise decompose on the forest floor; emitting harmful methane gas. By converting this waste to electricity the biomass power industry reduces greenhouse gases by approximately 30 million tons every year. In addition, the responsible maintenance of America’s forests improves overall forest health and significantly reduces the risk of forest fires. “Congress should embrace a definition of biomass that allows the industry to produce clean electricity from the forest waste accumulating on federal lands. Tapping into this abundant resource will improve forest health, reduce greenhouse gases, and help America reach energy independence.” - Bob Cleaves, President, Biomass Power Association, 12/9/09 Click Here for more information about the Healthy Forests Restoration Amendments Act of 2009. FACTS ABOUT BIOMASS POWER * Biomass is a clean, renewable source of electricity: Biomass power is carbon neutral electricity generated from renewable organic waste that would otherwise be dumped in landfills, openly burned, or left as fodder for forest fires. * Biomass power does not threaten forests: It is not economically viable for biomass plants to clear forests or chop down trees solely for the purpose of converting the wood to electricity. Trees have far greater value for other uses than to be grown and harvested solely to produce electricity. Furthermore, if there is not already enough projected supply of biomass in surrounding areas to sustain a power plant, then there would be no investment in a biomass facility. * Biomass power reduces greenhouse gases by more than 30 million tons each year: Forest debris and waste emit harmful methane and carbon dioxide during decomposition. Converting this waste to biomass eliminates methane and reduces CO2. Biomass power does not rely on growing trees to be carbon neutral, but the industry does grow trees. In addition, biomass carbon is not the same as fossil fuel carbon because carbon from fossil fuels is currently sequestered. Biomass power only produces biogenic carbon – or carbon that is already part of the global cycle. Biomass power adds no new carbon to the atmosphere and reduces greenhouse gases that would have otherwise been emitted during decomposition. * Biomass Power is available 24/7: Biomass power produces more than half of America’s renewable energy and provides a steady flow of electricity 24/7. Utility companies routinely add renewable biomass power to their “base-load” because it supplies electricity that is available to every power outlet, anytime, without exception. * Congress needs biomass power to build a green economy: Biomass power is essential to meeting strong renewable electricity standards in all fifty states and will create thousands of new green jobs. Currently the biomass power industry represents 18,000 jobs nationwide, many of which are in rural communities. Increasing the use of renewable energy is critical to preventing climate change and becoming energy independent. To schedule an interview with Biomass Power Association President and CEO Bob Cleaves, please contact Bill Riggs at (202) 429-4929 or email The Biomass Power Association is a member-driven organization with the goal of increasing the use of biomass power and creating new jobs and opportunities in the biomass industry. As policymakers at every level explore ways to lower greenhouse gases and reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil, BPA is the leading advocate at the state and federal level for a strong commitment to clean, renewable biomass energy. Members include local owners and operators of existing biomass facilities, suppliers, plant developers and others all across the U.S. For more information please visit ### Bill Riggs Rational 360 1155 15th Street, NW Suite 614 Washington DC 20005 Office: (202) 429-4929 Mobile: (781) 789-5262