From: Dave Solimini [] Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 5:58 PM To: Dave Solimini Subject: US Military Vets Travel to Copenhagen Climate Conference Operation Free Secure America with Clean Energy FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 9, 2009 CONTACT David Solimini, 757-876-0295 Frankie Strum, 309-222-5788 US Military Vets Travel to Copenhagen Climate Conference: Climate Change a Security Threat Highlighting a new perspective: Global & American Security A delegation of US military veterans will travel to the climate conference in Copenhagen next week to highlight the national and global security threats posed by climate change and America’s dependence on foreign energy. These veterans bring personal stories and a front-lines perspective to the national security threat, a vital and oft-overlooked aspect of the ongoing negotiations. Most of the veterans served during the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. All of the veterans will be available for media interviews before the conference as well as at the Bella Center during the conference by domestic and international media. Call David Solimini at 757-876-0295 to interview. Email after December 13. The veterans will also hold at least two “Live from Copenhagen” briefings for domestic press to be advised soon. Hailing from ten different states and three branches of the military, they will hold press events, meet with members of the US delegation, and relay their experiences as members of the US military to an international audience. The veterans will highlight that: * Global action is necessary for global security because climate change makes the world a more dangerous place. In the parlance of the military, it is a threat multiplier, helping create safe havens and breeding grounds for terrorists when unstable countries collapse under the weight of the droughts, famines, and floods caused by climate change. Preventing climate change means protecting us and our allies from having to fight future conflicts. * The world needs a united front in the face of this common threat. It is time for real teamwork, where every nation can be part of a win-win solution for everyone. America needs to set the right example, look to the future, and lead by example in the face of this global security threat. * Depending on one or two sources of energy makes a nation vulnerable. Veterans know that it is dangerous to depend on unfriendly nations for the resources we need to run the economy. This is true of America, and of other nations. For example, in America, oil is a worry. In Europe, it is common to worry about natural gas supplies. It’s time for all nations to take control of our energy future. The veterans hail from the following states: Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, South Dakota, Virginia, and West Virginia. The delegation is sponsored by Operation Free, a coalition of veterans and national security organizations a mission to secure America with clean energy. More information at # # #